Simple Past – Exercise 02

 Exercise 2-Fill in the blanks

Read the sentences and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the past tense.

  1. We-----------FIFA all night. (was watching/were watching)
  2. I-----------out with my friends. (went/go)
  3. Tim-----------towards the field. (was walking/were walking)
  4. The flight-----------a few minutes back. (left/leave)
  5. The teacher-----------us about dinosaurs. (teach/taught)
  6. We-----------to Las Vegas last week. (drove/drive)
  7. The actress-----------next to the actor. (stand/stood)
  8. The thief-----------into the house last night. (break/broke)
  9. I-----------a trophy for the competition on the last day. (receive/received)
  10. The boy-----------chess last night. (was playing/were playing)
  11. I-----------Rahim before he came. (has seen/had seen)
  12. I-----------the movie last night. (had watched/has watched)
  13. The opponent-----------well. (play/played)
  14. Adrian-----------all the biscuits. (ate/eaten)
  15. Ashok-----------the roof when he fell off. (was mending/were mending)

👉  Answers for Exercise 2

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