The Present Continuous Tense : exercise 2- Answers

 The Present Continuous Tense : exercise 2-Affirmative

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets


Bill .................. today. (work )- Bill is working today.

  1. Look. She ................................................. us. (watch)
  2. We ............................................ in Paris this week. (stay)
  3. My sister is not here. She .................................... the shopping. (do)
  4. Please, stop! You ..................................... so loudly! (sing)
  5. It's 9 o'clock and I ...................................... a book. (read)
  6. Where is Sam? - He ...................................... his car. (mend)
  7. Paul, where are you? I .................................................. outside the school. (wait)
  8. Sarah and Sue .................................................... in the street at the moment. (play)
  9. Debbie .............................................................. her flat in York these days. (decorate)
  10. Luke is in the bathroom. He ......................................... a shower. (take)
  11. The sun .............................................. and we are sunbathing. (shine)

👉  Answers for Exercise 2

  1. Look. She is watching us.
  2. We are staying in Paris this week.
  3. My sister isn't here. She is doing the shopping.
  4. Please, stop! You are singing so loudly!
  5. It's 9 o'clock and I am reading a book.
  6. Where is Sam? - He is mending his car.
  7. Paul, where are you? I am waiting outside the school.
  8. Sarah and Sue are playing in the street at the moment.
  9. Debbie is decorating her flat in York these days.
  10. Luke is in the bathroom. He is taking a shower.
  11. The sun is shining and we are sunbathing

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