The Simple Past Tense: How to Use It, with Examples

 Master the usage of the simple past tense with these exercises and examples. Learn how to form regular and irregular verbs, create affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences, and avoid common mistakes.

The Simple Past Tense: exercices

Definition simple past:

The simple past tense, also known as the past simple or preterite, is a verb tense used to describe actions or events that occurred and were completed in the past. In English, it is typically formed by adding "ed" to regular verbs or using irregular past tense forms for irregular verbs. The simple past tense is used to convey actions, situations, or states of being that are no longer happening and have no direct connection to the present.

simple past

Formation of Regular Verbs in the Simple Past Tense

Regular verbs in the simple past tense are formed by adding "-ed" to the base form of the verb. For example, "walk" becomes "walked," and "play" becomes "played." Remember to change the spelling for verbs that end in "e" or have a final consonant-vowel-consonant pattern.

Regular verbs


Subject + Past tense of the verb + Rest of the sentence

  • She worked hard all day.
  • They played football yesterday.


Subject + Did not (didn't) + Base form of the verb + Rest of the sentence

  • He didn't study for the test.
  • We didn't watch the movie last night.

 Formation of Irregular Verbs in the Simple Past Tense 

Irregular verbs have unique past tense forms that do not follow regular patterns. 

For example, "go" becomes "went," and "eat" becomes "ate." Memorize the irregular verb forms to use them correctly in the simple past tense.

Irregular verbs

Affirmative: Subject + Past tense of the irregular verb + Rest of the sentence

  • She went to the store.
  • He ate breakfast early.

Negative: Subject + Did not (didn't) + Base form of the irregular verb + Rest of the sentence

  • They didn't swim in the lake.
  • I didn't see him yesterday.

Questions in the simple past are formed by inverting the subject and the auxiliary verb "did".

simple past Questions 

  • Did + Subject + Base form of the verb + Rest of the sentence
  • Did she finish her assignment?
  • Did you travel last summer?

Common Mistakes to Avoid when Using the Simple Past Tense

Be aware of common errors when using the simple past tense. Confusion with the present perfect tense can lead to incorrect usage. Pay attention to subject-verb agreement, and avoid overusing or misusing irregular verbs.

Examples of Using the Simple Past Tense:


I visited Paris last summer.

They watched a great movie last night.


She didn't call me yesterday.

We didn't go to the party on Saturday.


Did he pass the exam?

Did they go to the concert?


Here are 2 exercises with answers to help you practice and improve your understanding of the Simple Pasr Tense you :

Simple Present – Exercise 01

Simple Present – Exercise 02


Remember that the simple past tense is used for actions or events that happened and were completed in the past. To discuss ongoing or continuous actions in the past, you would use the past continuous tense, and for actions that occurred before another action in the past, the past perfect tense is used.

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