Quiz 1: Answers

 Quiz 1: Answers

Quiz 1 - Choose the correct idiom to replace the expression in the brackets. .

1. If something (happens unexpectedly), I will not be able to meet my friend this evening.

 a)   makes sure

 b)   is better off

 c)   comes up

 d)   is in common

2. The meeting will probably (continue) for an hour after we leave.

 a)   work out

 b)   go on

 c)   hold on

 d)   break up

3. I plan to (sell) my computer and buy a new one.

 a)   get through

 b)   takeover

 c)   account for

 d)   get rid of

4. Our teacher is (agreeable to) changing the date of our exam.

 a)   ruling out

 b)   used to

 c)   not at all

 d)   open to

5. (Until) last week, nobody had registered for the course.

 a)   In terms of

 b)   Regardless of

 c)   Up to

 d)   As for

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