Quiz 5 - answers

 Quiz 5 - answers

21. (As said by our teacher,) there will be no class next Thursday.

 a)   If it is up to our teacher,

 b)   With respect to our teacher,

 c)   According to our teacher,

 d)   In some ways,

22. The man looks (as though) he had just woken up.

 a)   to the extent that

 b)   in case

 c)   as if

 d)   in detail as

23. We have everything (in the correct location) for the meeting.

 a)   in place

 b)   in time

 c)   for good

 d)   after all

24. The man has two part-time jobs and he is studying at night (also).

 a)   in fact

 b)   kind of

 c)   as well

 d)   come on

25. The class was quite easy (as one could say) but it was not very interesting.

 a)   in effect

 b)   to get into

 c)   no matter what

 d)   so to speak

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