Quiz 3 - answers

 Quiz 3 - answers

11. "(With regard to) my friends request, I will answer it tomorrow."

 a)   For sure to

 b)   First of all to

 c)   As to

 d)   In general to

12. I plan to do my homework (immediately).

 a)   all of a sudden

 b)   right away

 c)   sort of

 d)   as a matter of fact

13. I (used my free time for my own benefit) and finished my school project.

 a)   figured out my free time

 b)   made sense of my free time

 c)   took advantage of my free time

 d)   picked up my free time

14. The city plans to (begin with) the plan to build a new stadium.

 a)   get out of

 b)   go ahead with

 c)   put out

 d)   find out about

15. Our teacher always (tells us about) our mistakes.

 a)   goes back and forth about

 b)   looks up

 c)   points out

 d)   carries out

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